Unicorn Cancer Thrivers Foundation

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Helping MBC team raise $38k

The past few weeks have been super meaningful for us as a charity.  We hit an impact milestone beyond our greatest expectations by boosting a team to raise almost $38,000 in just 2 days to benefit a clinic that aligns with our mission to improve quality of life for those affected by metastatic breast cancer (MBC).

Unicorn partnered with the amazing Stomp Out Stage IV team to raise funds for the Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC) clinic at MD Anderson Cancer Center through the Boot Walk fundraiser. This innovative clinic has improved MBC patient quality of life through multiple supportive programs over the past 7 years.  Highlights include personalized patient navigation to resources, clinical trial access, coordinated care between departments, reduced patient time spent in hospital, educational webinars, support group meetings, and much more.  It is funded completely through donations from the annual boot walk fundraiser.

Unicorn sponsored a $10,000 donation match challenge to encourage and boost fundraising over 2 important days - Inflammatory Breast Cancer Day (10/4) and Metastatic Breast Cancer Day (10/13).  If the team could raise at least $5,000 each of those days, Unicorn would double that.

The Stomp Out team, most whom are MBC thrivers or caregivers/friends, rallied their circles and smashed that figure in just a few hours on both days.  With the match and great leadership, the team raised just under $38,000 for ABC, enabling the clinic to further scale the positive quality of life impact for MBC patients and community.

At Unicorn, it's never about what we do, but how we can empower others and improve outcomes.  It's about the additional impact we can make when we partner with passionate change-makers to accelerate making life a little bit better for the heroes that we serve - MBC thrivers, caregivers, and all those who support them.

However, MBC / Stage IV needs more!  We are still losing 115 MBC souls each day.  Please help keep the momentum going for MBC. 

Unicorn Cancer Thrivers is a charity working to improve the quality of life for those affected by metastatic breast cancer. 100% of donations go towards programs and tools to empower MBC patients & caregivers.

Help us with a donation so we can continue to empower programs like the ABC clinic and develop tools to help MBC patients thrive.  Thank you so much for your support for the MBC cause.